9 maj 2014

If I didn't know better I'd say I love you
but I always know better so I lock my heart
baby don't come closer you know were doomed
if I didn't know better I'd let you touch me
but you can't shut me out if I don't let you in
baby don't come closer why can't you see
it will never be over if we don't begin
don't start breaking my heart no, don't come closer
you want me now but what happens when you don't
oh, I can't stand the thought of this being over
'cause tell me how will I ever get over you - I won't
I break free - let's be friends forever
make it last forever - friendship never ends
if I didn't know better I'd make us more than friends
Ji Nilsson har en hel del bra att säga. Vill höra mer av henne, så mycket mer! Fattade tycke för hennes Lucky, som inte finns någonstans (!!) förutom J&Vs pod, vill ha den på spotify el soundcloud thanx! Heartbreakfree heter ovanstående om ni undrar!


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